Part 79: Out With a Bang
It's time.
Resolution to Fight Fate
: Yeah. Even I can feel it. Master Van is here. Once we go past this point, we probably can't go back.
: There's no need to come back. We're going to defeat Van and put an end to everything.
: You make it sound so simple...
: They believe that the planet's memory sets the future in stone, so they seek to erase it. We believe that the planet's memory is but one of infinite choices. That the future can be changed. I'm not particularly fond of this word, but... our faith is simply different. We've reached a point where the matter cannot be resolved with words.
: If Lorelei perishes, the world will attempt to recover Seventh Fonons, destroying their balance. Luke, we've come here to stop that. It's not like the last time. We understand what Van is trying to do, and we cannot accept it.
: Yeah! It's irresponsible to just erase everything and start all over again. If we were going to follow the Score and die, it would be people's responsibility to accept that.
: But we realized along the way that we could work together to avoid that. So we're going to live our lives. We're going to walk our own path.
: Luke, I kept thinking about you and Asch. I wished that Asch would come back to Kimlasca and support Father, together with you. But I was wrong, you and Asch each had your own path.
: Asch is inside you now. In the past, I might have mixed you and Asch together in my mind. But you're you. So please live the way you want to live.
: I'll do everything I can to support you so you can do that. As your childhood friend.
: You've barely begun to be you, and you bear the weight of countless lives. You have to live long enough to make up for the lives you've consumed.
: What I'm saying is cruel. Live, and live, and keep living. The whole time carrying the weight of that malice, hatred, grief, and anger.
: But I won't let you carry it alone. I'm the same as you. Even if the whole world rejected you, I'd still be here, by your side. I'm not like the Six God-Generals. I'm going to help you by staying alive.
: So we can rewrite Van's future with our own.
: Yeah!
The Final Confrontation
: I'm impressed. I expected Asch.
: Second-order hyperresonance. You've surpassed your original. You are now a true human being. You've stepped across a sea of corpses, and made it here. Now, join me, Luke.
: Well, well. Why not?
: I finally understand what it is I wanted. I wanted you to acknowledge me. To accept me as a human being, not a replica.
: Yes. And you have become a human being.
: But that's not enough.
: You said to me, 'can you not live unless you were born for some purpose?' I'm not living for anyone else. There's no special meaning in living. When I sensed my own death, I wanted to live. I know now. That's all I needed.
: It doesn't matter if you accept me or not. Here I am. Alive!
: The planet's memory may exist, just as you say. But is it really absolute? Luke isn't here because it's written. He's here because he chooses to be.
: The planet's memory is one possible choice of a future, but only people make that choice!
: That isn't absolute either. You might not be choosing, but rather being made to choose.
: If so, maybe you're being made to choose to destroy the planet's memory. If you say you've decided to erase the planet's memory of your own will,
: That's an empty argument. Yulia's Score represents the planet's memory I speak of. The destruction of mankind is written in it. The destruction of the planet's memory, is not.
: So you will carry out that destruction with the originals, then create a replica world.
: That's no different than those who let Hod be destroyed. That's why Asch rejected you.
: I did. But I must do whatever it takes to destroy the absolute path of the planet's memory.
: Even if the absolute path you speak of exists, people have the right to choose their own path to destruction.
: Everything dies. It's merely a matter of time. But the planet's memory calls for it too soon. I cannot accept perishing early the way you can.
: But you're trying to destroy the originals even earlier than the planet's memory.
: Heh... perhaps so.
: I know the future is predetermined. As I thought... it would seem we cannot see eye to eye.
: Van... prepare!
Music: Time to Raise the Cross
Fitting for the final battle, Van gets yet another amazing boss battle theme.
So here we are again. The same fight, yet completely different.
Van is, however, not fucking around this time. I've also bumped the difficulty all the way up to unknown, because Van deserves to be a challenge worth meeting.
Imperial Slaughter is the first of Van's mystic arte arsenal. Think Akoshic Torment, but with even more damage.
With his normal attacks, Van does around 1500-2000 damage a hit. Remember that I'm at max level with a party that's about as good as it can get. Unknown is serious business.
Still, the battle goes relatively smoothly, and he's down to half health with minimal difficulty.
: "Twei Rei Tsuae Croix Ryo Twei Tsuae,"
: ...The fonic hymns. Their melody will indeed awaken Lorelei. But you don't know the true wish contained in those hymns. They won't work on me.
: No brother... I do know. I can feel the thoughts and emotions Yulia placed in these hymns.
: ...If that's true, Mysterica, then sing. Now, for me!
And so the fight enters phase two. Nothing really changes, except Van gets a lot more aggressive and harder to stagger. Case in point, he slaughtered Guy the second he came in for some swings.
And then he gets serious.
Celestial Elegy is kind of a cross between Rending Saber and Big Bang. It hits everybody for a lot of damage, but has additional hits that can kill people if there standing right next to van. It's a dangerous blend of very powerful mystic arte properties.
Even if you do stagger Van, he can just sometimes decide to not be staggered anymore, and will jump into an altered arte.
Also I learned the last hit of lightning tiger blade can and will kill you even after it's finished shooting out electricity.
Yeah, this fight got close at some points.
But Van starts to feel his bruises. And soon enough...
It ends.
: "Croix Ryo Tsuae Twei Ryo Rei Nevu Ryo Tsuae,"
: Have you forgotten? I'm the one who taught you the sword.
: Release Lorelei!
: ...You've grown strong.
: Van...
: This force...! So this is... the power of Lorelei!
: So, he's finally used it... but I will be victorious!
: They've supported me through everything. For their sake, I can't lose!
: When you use Lorelei's power, your control over Lorelei weakens. Luke recognized that and forced you to use it. The same Luke you refused to acknowledge for so long. Luke will not...
: ...I commend you for making me use this power. I would expect no less from my student. But that too, ends now.
Music: Finish the Promise
Yep, he has a second form. This is how you know this really is the final boss battle, and not another fake-out.
While I dig the design, one thing that's a little lacking in this new Van is that he has the exact same moveset and combos. The only difference is that he's yet again stronger and harder to combo. I was expecting some crazy seventh fonon based powers, at least.
I'm not holding back. All the mystic artes, all the pain.
Granted, Van isn't holding back either.
Like so.
Ancient Requiem is back to basics after Celestial Elegy. It's a guaranteed KO against anybody in the area. Van was actually supposed to get a second new mystic arte here called Majestic Apocalypse, but it was dummied out and all that's left is the English VA's reading of it. I'm assuming it would have been more impressive.
Right, I'm ending this.
Lost Fon Drive is Luke's second mystic arte. He charges up, swings like crazy, and finishes with a gigantic energy beam. It hits for 35-40k damage, which puts it at one of the most powerful mystic artes your party can get.
It does however have some annoying requirements. On top of new game plus, Luke needs to have the Key of Lorelei equipped, and be at <10% health (so that the numbers are the color red). Then it's used by pressing X, Circle, and Square at the same time in overlimit.
: Lorelei is going out of control within Van! It's drawing in our fonons! At this rate, our life itself will be drained!
: No!
: Luke! The second-order hyperresonance! It can neutralize any fonon!
: ...I'm going to free Lorelei! Tear, help me!
: ...Right.
Music: Grand Fonic Hymn
: "Twei Rei Tsuae Croix Ryo Twei Tsuae,"
: "Croix Ryo Tsuae Twei Ryo Rei Nevu Ryo Tsuae,"
: "Va Rei Zaei Twei Nevu Tsuae Ryo Tsuae Croix,"
: "Ryo Rei Croix Ryo Tsuae Rei Va Tsuae Rei,"
: "Va Nevu Va Rei Va Nevu Va Tsuae Rei,"
: "Croix Ryo Croix Nevu Tsuae Rei Croix Ryo Tsuae Rei Va,"
: "Rei Va Nevu Croix Twei Rei Rei"
: "Twei Rei Tsuae Croix Ryo Twei Tsuae,"
: "Croix Ryo Tsuae Twei Ryo Rei Nevu Ryo Tsuae,"
: "Va Rei Zaei Twei Nevu Tsuae Ryo Tsuae Croix,"
: "Ryo Rei Croix Ryo Tsuae Rei Va Tsuae Rei,"
: "Va Nevu Va Rei Va Nevu Va Tsuae Rei,"
: "Croix Ryo Croix Nevu Tsuae Rei Croix Ryo Tsuae Rei Va,"
: "Rei Va Nevu Croix Twei Rei Rei"
: Now you die!!!
: You knew what the fonic hymn meant. You were telling me everything... right from the start. Thank you... Van...
: Farewell... Mysterica...
: Stop!! After all that's happened, you still call me master... you fool.
Goodbye... my beloved brother...
The ground begins to shake violently.
: All right. Everybody hurry up and escape. I'll stay and free Lorelei.
: Luke!
: It's my promise to Lorelei. This is what I need to do.
: Luke... how you've changed.
: But no matter how much you change or regret your actions, not all of what you've done will be forgiven. That's why you must come back alive. Or rather... I hope you do.
: ...Jade, shut up.
: Sorry.
: Hey, you're not my servant anymore.
: So I'm not a servant at the manor. I'd still serve as your friend.
: You're being stupid.
: So hurry back home. I'll never forgive you if you just disappear.
: You knew, huh?
: I knew too. I wasn't as sure as Guy, but...
: What are you talking about?
: Hee hee. You're an easy read.
: But... I have to have you come back alive.
: You're not expecting me to... we're not...
: No, no. I'm going to reform the Order for Ion.
: Whatever.
: Natalia...
: Not to protect Kimlasca. To live your life, understand?
: I wanted to live.
: You will. You can not disappear. You can not.
: Thanks.
: Your job's done now. Go home, and be proud of what you did.
: I'll be waiting for your return Master!
: Thanks.
: Tear...
I love you.
: Tear!
: So the world did not vanish. To think, the future I saw would be rewritten. You have done admirably.
...What do you want? Have you come to laugh at the pathetic sight of your old friend?
...! The big bang?
...If you're asking that, I presume that means it was nearly time for Asch's big bang?
Yes, and if you're asking that, then it sounds like you're saying Asch's death was not caused by the big bang effect.
Correct. I see even you are intelligent enough to figure that out.
What is that supposed to mean?! You're the one who finalized the theories on perfect isofons! Do you not believe your own research?! The Jade that I knew Jade the Golden Child isn't someone who would say something like that.
Please don't give me disturbing nicknames.
Or is that replica that important to you? More than your best friend, Saphir?!
The dust on the floor has value compared to you.
Even with your talent.